Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chirpy has a wife

We bought a female canary who we named Miley. Miley is going to make Chirpy a lot quieter. So far it is working. He is very excited about having a wife and isn't giving Miley a lot of peace at the moment.


Doug said...

Don't they need a coconut shell to nest in? She has to lay her eggs in something....

Kris said...

According to the lady at the pet shop, Miley will just lay her eggs in the seed bowl and we just take them out. We do not want baby canarys at this stage. One day it would be nice to have an outside aviary. Chirpy bathes in the water bowl. I give them a big plate with water to bath in and they don't use it, they prefer their water container, it's really funny to watch.