Monday, October 20, 2008

Do you run faster when your tongue is out?

Today was school Sports day. Natasha and Emily donned the yellow Lansell tee shirts and lined up for the various events. To help you identify the photos Em has blue sneakers and Tash has white and pink ones. Of particular amusement in the photos note the concentration and the tongues!!! Emily came home with a second ribbon in the sprints and Tash came home with a third.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthdays everywhere

Emily was invited to two birthdays today. Here are some random photos from the first one that we went to at the Fun Factory.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some like it hot! or Some Mothers do ave em!

Rhys thought that his dinner of potato, corn and pork schnitzel was just lacking a little something....Yes Pepper!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chirpy has a wife

We bought a female canary who we named Miley. Miley is going to make Chirpy a lot quieter. So far it is working. He is very excited about having a wife and isn't giving Miley a lot of peace at the moment.