We had a lovely weekend at Oceangrove. The weather was horrible but there was still plenty to do and see. We visited the Ford Discovery Museum in Geelong and enjoyed a couple of the beaches. Here are some of the photos.
Tasha and Emily travelled up to Rochester today with the neighbours to watch dairy cows being milked. So that Rhys didn't feel left out, I took him to the Bendigo Beef Expo. Here are some photos of what we saw.
If he was a New Zealand resident it would be a huge milestone because he would be off to school. Because we live in Victoria he has to wait until the beginning of the 2011 school year. HIs birthday falls 10 days past the cutoff date. If he had been born before April 30th he would have started this year. He really needs to go to school. Being one of the oldest kids at Kinder and ABC has resulted in some "too big for boots" behaviour lately. He needs to become the littlest again soon! On the positive side he has started to write his name and has become very interested in reading words, letters and numbers. He is a real character and loves a bit of a laugh and is also known to have lovely cuddles and kisses when no one is looking ;-)